Monday, October 19, 2009

Bugs, Bugs, EVERYWHERE!!!!!!

Dear Mrs. Ross and Class:
Blog #7

Hello Everyone. Maddy here again from France on my last blog of 2009. I know especially the boys will like this one. It is about the biggest display of bugs I have ever seen.

OK. Let's start at the beginning.

Yesterday we went to a village perche` (hilltop village) called Tourette-Levens.  This village is over 2000 years old.  It had a huge chateau (castle) and inside was the biggest collection of dead bugs I have ever seen.  Over 6000 of them.  There were butterflies, ants, beetles, spiders, and all sorts of the ugliest bugs I have ever seen.  And now, I am going to give you a few fun facts that I learned:

Did you know:

1]  That there are millions of animals in the world but insects make up over 75% of them

2]  The average moustique (mosquito) has 47 teeth but it is their nose that gets your blood.

3]  An ant can lift 50 times its own weight.  But a honey bee can lift 300 times its weight.  If we humans could lift 300 times our weight, we could lift over 15 tons!

4]  There are 300,000 types of beetles which is the most of any insect in the world.

5]  The eggs of a walking stick insect are the largest insect eggs in the world and are almost 1/2 inch long.

I wish you all could have seen all these bugs.  Especially the creepy spiders.  I never knew there were so many of these creatures all over the world.

I miss you all so much and I'll see you in a few DAYS!!


P.S.  Remember I told you about the special ways dogs are treated here?  Take a look at the following pictures.  Can you tell which dog looks like his owner?


Katie said...

Those bugs must have been freeky, especially the spiders. I Love You and miss you.

P.S. I will see you in a couple days. I Love you and miss you.


Lauren Pascarella said...

Hey,Maddy pretty amazing about all of those bugs you saw. Also amazing about the dogs and the owners!

Morgan said...

Dear Maddy, How is the weather during France? is it bone-chilling? Or is it super duper burning hot? Let me know when you send your next blog.

From, Morgan in your class

Fallon said...

Hi Maddy. Things are different around here without you. I know which dog looks like its owner.
Happy Halloween!

kate said...

Hi Maddy! I can not wait to see you !!!!!!!Those bugs must have been really freaky especially the spiders!I can not wait to see you soon i miss you so much bye!

Madison C. said...


Those facts about the bugs were very interesting.

Bye and see you on Tuesday.

-Madison C.

Connor said...

Dear Madie,
You see we are now posting our own comments! Those pictures were bone-chilling. I belive the bottom dog picture has the dog who likes his owner most.

See you soon,

Max said...

Hi Maddy!

That must have been cool to see all those bugs in containers. How do they kill all those bugs with out them getting squished. I can't wait to see you on Tuesday.


erika said...

Maddy when you saw the bigs did they freed you out at all.Did need look scray or squished.

P.S. I wil see you in couple days.

Emily S. said...

the stick bug scares me. How big is it?

I'v missed you. Can't wait to see you again.

Matthew said...

Dear Maddy Wow . how long are the bugs . They
look so 'Alive 'than dead. also see you in 4 days.On Tuesday.

Ps is France like America .


agroth said...


What a wonderful blog! You sure live in a beautiful place. It looks like you are having a lot of fun adventures.

I've been to Villefranche a couple of times, but that was before I knew you guys.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you and your family again sometime. I can't believe it has been two years, and you are already turning 10 next month! Happy early birthday!!!

Andy Groth

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