Saturday, October 3, 2009

Nazi Occupation Reminders Everywhere

Dear Mrs. Ross and Class:
Blog #5

Hello again.  Maddy here from France.  This week we all took a promenade (walk) on a brand new trail along the sea that the French government just opened up this summer.  It was really cool.  It was a reminder of the Nazi occupation of our town during WWII.

Who were the Nazis?  Nazi's were the German soldiers who invaded northern France in 1940.  That was only 69 years ago.  Then in November 1942 they actually came to our ville (city) of Villefranche and occupied our port and our homes.  Lots of people died in the battles.  There are memories everywhere in our village.

The Nazi occupation set up bunkers called "pill boxes" along the opening of the port to guard our harbor from the Allies.  Today we went to those bunkers on the new trail.  I don't know how the Nazi's got here but probably from U-Boats on the water as there are rocks scattered everywhere.

As an American, it is really hard to imagine your country bombed, invaded, and trapped like mice.  But reminders like these make me remember how brave the soldiers and people of our village must have been.

I hope you like the pictures.
More to come next week.


Thank-you Mrs. Santello, Mrs. Herrera and Mrs. Ross for your comments.  I think of you all when I write my blog.
P.S.S.  Mrs. Santello, I even picked up a rock from the bunker for your collection.

Answers to Class Questions:
Thank-you Mrs. Ross and Class for your comments.
P.S.  Anyone who comments I will try to write answers in my next Blog!!

1]  Yes it is crazy that there are no dogs allowed in cemeteries especially when they are treated like people here in France.  Just wait for 2 weeks and in my last BLOG will be all the strange things dogs do around here.  Complete with pictures!!

2]  Yes, I did see bones in one part of the cemetery.  It was really scarey.  It was a dirt part and I ran like crazy because I was sure someone or something was watching me.

3]  The newlywed couple is doing great.  Sugar the Rabbit just got his driving liscense.  I had to make a special car just for him with a steering wheel, brakes, and a comfortable seat.  It was really neat.

4]  It really did not freak me out visiting the cemeteries until I saw those bones.  Now I REALLY believe there are ghosts there.

I can't wait to see all of you and that is great news about the laptops! Thank-you so much for reading my Blog.  It makes me feel so much a part of our class.

-A Bientot Maddy


Anonymous said...

I look forward to receiving the rock! It always amazes me how much I learn from your blogs! The cemetery information was facinating. Thanks for that information. One "fun" thing to do in cemeteries is to do grave rubbings. You place paper over the grave and use the side of a crayon to rub over the words. The words are open spots, so they "transfer" to the paper! I also enjoyed reading about the new trail - very interesting stuff! It would be very hard to think about our country under attack like that! Thanks for keeping the post coming!
Mrs. Santello:O)

Arial said...

Hi Maddy!
I have been reading your blog and it is so interesting! I love the part about the cemeteries, I didn't know that they were so creepy! I miss you so much and I can't wait for you to come home in just two more weeks. I am so proud of you, keep up the great blogs! I look forward to them every week.

Madison C. said...


What was the car you made for Sugar made out of? I am excited for you to come back tuesday:)


Madison C. said...


What was the car you made for Sugar made out of? I am excited for you to come back tuesday:)


Anthony Pistella said...

Maddy, your stories about you in France are very interesting. I am very excited about you coming back to school on Tuesday!

Michelle said...

Hi Maddy!

I really like the gigantic stick insect and all the other fascinating bugs!

P.S. I can't wait until you get back to school!

Lauren Pascarella said...

Cool how you get to see all the prisons and the beautiful sea lake.

justin said...

Hi Maddy this is justin i just want to say that it is really fantastic that you got to see the jails that the men got in from world war 2 we cant wait for you to come back

Anthony Pistella said...

Hi Maddy! It is Anthony again. I forgot to tell you something. The bugs creeped me out a little. Gross. The facts that you said about the bugs are very fascinating. Bye!

Morgan said...

Dear Maddy, Wow you must seem like your having an amazing time at France. What must it feel like a day in the life at France? What is your favorite place you explored or visited so far? I wish I could visit you. Me and my class all miss you so bad as if we were waiting for you to respond quickly. Anyway I know what it feels like when you miss your class and friends. About the bugs, how long were they lived till now? Let me know because I really am intrested in them.
From, Morgan