Sunday, October 17, 2010

Personal Blog (A Little About My Life Here In France)

Blog #7
Dear Mrs. Brink, Mrs. Tomlin, and 5th Grade Class:

Hi Guys, Maddy here in France for my 7th week.

Every year I try to post a personal blog about some of my daily things I do here in France.  And as some of you know I haven't done this in a while so here I go.  (Hopefully it's not too boring)

#1 Silly Bands
It's official.  I now have 700 Silly Bands.  It's funny but they are just becoming popular here.  You can't even buy them yet in France so my mom and dad found them when they went to Italy.  (Which is only a 26 minute train ride from our house.  Pretty neat to go to Italy for lunch) I will try to bring some Italien SB's back for all of you when I get home.  I tried to put them all on my wrist for this picture but they cut off my circulation.

Over 700 Silly Bands

The Bands are Killing My Arm

#2 My School Life
Did you know that schools here just teach the basic subjects?  No specials such as art and music and gym.  Since we have off all day on Wednesday that is when most of the kids have the time for the things they like.  (Not for me though, because I have to spend all day Wednesday doing Mrs. Brink's homework)  They don't even have equipment on the playground for recess.  But we did practice some gymnastics yesterday  It was great fun and a big surprise for everyone!
We also have a class clown named Mendrick. He sits just in front of the window and plays a really mean prank on our teacher.  And she doesn't even know it.  He takes his clear ruler and since he is by the window, he makes the sun shine through his ruler and then makes it glare all over the room....even on the teacher's back when she is not looking.  It is really too mean for me.

3#  You Tube
I have been making a lot of movies here and my You Tube account is getting more and more popular because I am here in France.  The most popular video is when my friend Manon and I are swimming in our piscine (swimming pool).  It is sort of silly but if you want to see them you can go to You Tube and check out my site which is wowrandonmaddy.

#4 My French Friends
I have made a lot of very nice friends here in France.  Most of them do not speak any English so it is sometimes hard to play the same way we play in Florida.  One of my friends is named Emma and she came over to my house yesterday.  She is really cute and has brown eyes and brown hair.  Here is her picture.
Most of the time we either swim, make movies or play in our vineyard because I have a secret club house down in the grapes.  I will surely miss all of them since I don't get to see them for 8 months.

Emma and Me by our Pool

#5  Halloween
You might not believe this but here in France they are just beginning to celebrate Halloween.  I guess I never knew it was just an Amercian holiday.  They don't even go Trick or Treating.  I feel so bad for them.  Not because I love candy so much, but it is so fun to get dressed up in our costumes and get together as friends.  One funny thing is that are actually having a Halloween play this year at school.  And I got the LEAD role!!!!
(I think that's because I got down on all fours and begged the teacher) It is called "The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid Of Anything."  We are all dressing up and performing it in front of our parents and the entire school.  Here is the information.

My Halloween Party Invitation

I hope these stories and pictures help you to find out more about my what my life is like here in France.
It is really pretty cool and I would love you to all come and visit.

Next weeek will be my last blog on a Castle in My Front Yard.  Yes a real middle age castle.
And then I am HOME!!!!!!!  Can't wait.

Blog to you later.  Ha Ha.
Maddy out.

Comment Corner:

You guys are crazy?  18 comments.  If I get 10 or more comments next week you will have the record number of any comments I have ever had.
Thanks so much for the time you have taken to write.
I really LOVE reading them and it keeps me close to all of you.

Katie:  First again Kat. You must be very ready for my blog.  I think I am going to be a devil for Halloween.  And you don't look like either of your dogs.  You are way too cute.  Thanks so much Kat.
See you in 13 days.

Mrs. Brink:  Yes they do treat their dogs like kings and queens.  And yes I think that Francisco and I might have some things in common.  But I don't think I would be good at teaching French.
I miss you so much too.  See you in 2 weeks!!!!

Olivia:  Hey Livi:  Ha ha.  Soooooooo  LOL Z!  Actually I do take breaks picking the grapes and someone else takes my clippers.  Sometimes I miss you so much I think I won't be back for a long time but really it is only 13 days.  So back before you know it!  LOL Z=D

Peyton:  Do you really look like your dog Aspen?  I would love to see a picture. I should have bought a dog that looks like me but on the other hand I love my dog.  Maybe you and I can bring our dogs to school at Willis one day?

Maggie:  Hi Maggie.  The man and his dog does look alike.  Almost like identical twins.  Yuck. And yes it was a nightmare about Princess Grace.  She was such a wonderful person.

Christopher:  A Spanish speaking penguin? Now that would be a trick!  I actually took that picture of the man and his dog myself.  My mom showed me the guy so I took out my camera and got the snapshot.

Michelle:  Yes I liked that picture too.  I actually took the picture myself.  The second I saw him I burst out laughing and I almost missed the shot.  Can't wait to see you too.

Nora:  Yes I laughed so hard when I saw it in person.  Do you know that a lot of French Poodles here actually look like the French girls here?  And yes the bread is super good here.  It is one of the things I miss the most about France when I am in Florida.  See you soon Nora.

Tori:  Hey Tori!  I hope Mrs. Brink doesn't change our seats.  It should be fun sitting next to all of you.  Sweet.  And I am so jealous of you and the party you are having.  I am sure you all deserved it for all your hard work.  Hopefully we can get another one soon.

Sarah:  Hi Sarah.  Great to hear from you again.  Yes the man and his dog are strangely similar.  Sort of freaky. The ice cream here is really good so maybe they were going there.  We have a place for ice cream called Fenochios which has 100 flavors!  Really.

Vince:  Hi Vince.  I do like that picture too.  I am actually having the best year ever here but I am also the most home sick too.  I can't wait to see you in 13 days.  Happy Halloween.

Xavier:  Hey Xavier.  Did you know I just had lunch with my friend here and his name is also Xavier?  Pretty cool.  (But they pronounce it here VERY different even though it is spelled the same)  And no, the food is still horrible.  I can't wait to have lunch in the Willis lunchroom.

Cara:  Hi Cara.  School is OK but I wish I was having the party with all of you.  I really do miss you too Cara.  Plus I am sure your cookie cake will be awesome!  Save me a piece please!!!!

Adrian: Hi Adrian. Actually I hope I don't look like my dogs and I don't think I want to.  Maybe when I am older as they both have white hair.  And yes I did climb the Eiffel Tower.  The view was amazing.  Paris is such a cool city.  I am sure you will think so too.

Sydney:  Hi Sydney.  I really wish you could come here too.  Actually I can only bring my dog to the outside of the school but they don't really like them in the class.  But all the shops for sure.  It is really fun at restaurants because they get their own dish of water.  See you soon.

Kyle:  Hi Kyle:  Yes its really not a law that you have to look like your dogs but it seems so true here.  Did you know that when I was younger I got to swim and ride some dolphins?  They are my favorite animal.  My dad said we get to go to Busch Gardens when I get back to ride some roller-coasters but I am a little scared.  But I will do it anyway because I don't want anyone to think I am a whimp!  See you soon Kyle.

Michael:  I will be back for Halloween night but not for the party.  :-(  That makes me very sad.. Pixie sounds cool.  Be sure to take pictures of your Sumo costume as I would love to see it.  Take care Michael.

Kylee:  Hi Kylee:  Yes it is true that banks don't have money.  Maybe a little but most of them don't.  People use teller machines to get cash and even to get into a bank you have to go in one at a time through a double guarded glass door.  I think the French are a bit scared of robbers.  I miss you so much too.  13 days!

Thanks again for the awesome comments.
Next week is my last blog so see you then.

Maddy from France


Mrs. Tomlin said...

So sorry for the lack of communication last week! My aunt and uncle are here from Germany for 12 days, and prior to their arrival I was stressing of getting everything in order for their visit. They are so much more formal (as I'm sure you are aware from France) than we are in America.

We just had a discussion about Halloween. in Germany they've only celebrated it for about 5 years. They said the first time the children knocked on the door and asked for sweets, my uncle said what for. They explained it to him and he asked "Don't you do anything for them? Sing songs or tell jokes?" The children decided to sing for them and so they got their candy.

I love the funny laws and now we are comparing them to the German laws. They dod not have to have a bakery open every day, but I personally, think everywhere should!

Looking forward to having you back soon!

Mrs. Tomlin

Katie said...

Hi Maddy. I can't believe it has been 7 weeks already. Can't wait to see you. It really great to finally talk to you. France sounds really great and hopefully I will be able to visit you there some day. I have to go to bed now so I will talk to you soon hopefully.

Love Kat

Mrs. Santello said...

How exciting that you are the lead in the play! Is it all in French or do you get to share some English with the school? Your Silly Bands are amazing! 700 is a LOT! Do the ones from Italy show any of their landmarks like the Leaning Tower of Pisa?? That would be fun!
I'll take a look at your You Tube page too. Just a few more weeks and you will be back to us!!

Mrs. Brink :) said...

I loved learning about what kinds of things you and your friends do for fun in France. Thank you for sharing. I am not surprised that you have the lead role in the play at all! That is amazing! Is it hard to memorize lines in french? Wow! What a challenge! You are amazing. As for your homework....sorry, but your mom wanted you to stay up with us! I know you will make a smooth transition when you return Nov. 1! We can't wait!!! I'm sure you will have some great stories for us!!!
See you soon!!!!
Mrs. Brink