Sunday, October 10, 2010

You Would Not Believe Some Of The Laws In France

Blog #6
Dear Mrs. Brink, Mrs. Tomlin and 5th Grade Class:

Maddy here in France again with some of the strangest laws I have ever heard of.  As I mentioned last week, there are so many weird ones I might not be able to remember all of them but I'll try to give you a few.

Law #1:  There has to be a boulangerie (bakery) open every day of the year in every village.  Really.  The French people have to have their fresh bread every day.  So every bakery has to talk with the other bakeries to plan day's off and vacations.  Can you imagine a law like this in the States where McDonalds has to talk with Burger King to make sure we can get a cheeseburger every day?  Weird.

Great Bakeries Here

Law #2:  The radio stations have to play at least 50% French music every hour.  I guess the French love American music so much that they have to make sure they play French songs on the radio.  It is so funny to hear my friends sing American songs in English when they have no idea what the words mean.  I just have to laugh.

Law #3:  Dogs can go ANYWHERE!  Yes its true but it is kind of a fun law.  I love taking my dogs to restaurants, shopping and even to school.  They even get served their water first at restaurants even before humans get their drinks.  Really.

Law #4:  Everyone here has the right to go on strike....and they do.  It has happened 3 times since we have been here this trip.  All the bus drivers, trains, airplanes, police, teachers and more jobs all at the same time.  The entire country shuts down.  And they are planning another one next week on the 15th.  Sounds good about the teachers so maybe we could get a day off, but my teachers never strike.  My bad luck.

Law #5:  You want to hear a funny law?  Banks are not allowed to have money.  Really.  If you want to cash a check or get money from your account you have to go to le Poste (the Post Office).  When my Dad needs some money, he has to send a fax to the banks 3 days in advance so they can order money.  At least the post office still handles the mail but it takes a lot of time as the lines are always really long.

Our Poste

Law #6:  Everyone has the right to the coastline.  Ever since the French Revolution, it is illegal to block the coast from the public.  It is sort of a cool law because the coast is great and even if there is a restaurant on the water, there has to be a path for the public even if it right through the tables.

The Path On The Coast By Our House

My Mom And Me Hiking On The Path

Law #7:  All dog owners must look like their dogs.  :-) Well, that's not really a law but it sure seems like it could be.  Haven't you noticed how many people really look like their dogs?

Come On! This Dog Definitely Looks Like His Owner

There are so many more but you will have to come visit here and see them for yourself.  So, I hope you enjoyed reading about all the crazy laws.  I surely liked writing about them.
See you next week.

-Maddy out.

Comment Corner:

Thank-you for all the comments you left last week.  18 comments is a record!!  It really helps me be a lot less lonely here and I love to write each of you back.  But please, I need you to write your name on the comments or I can't tell who wrote them.  But for all of you that I can't personally thank, I sure appreciate them anyways.

Mrs. Tomlin:  Well I am not exactly the school hero but you sure are my hero for being the first to write a comment almost every week. Thanks a million. And yes the zucchinis get so huge here.  I know you don't like vegetables a lot, but they really taste different here so I think you might like them more.  We do have a gardener that takes care of our grapes and our vegetables when we are in Florida.  Thanks again for writing!

Olivia:  Yes I would be excited about it but they haven't started serving the new food yet.  And they serve so much fish with terrible sauces.  Yuck!!!  Thanks for all the comments even if you did send them more than once.  It did make me laugh.

Christopher:  Trust me, that is not STEAK!  If I could guess it might have been over cooked fish or something but I wasn't going near it to try it.

Mrs. Brink:  Hello Mrs. Brink.  Thanks so much for writing.  I really miss you.  I think that tomatoes are fruits because they have seeds in them.  And I would love to help with Mr. Stenger when you need it but I probably can't do much.  But I'll surely try if you ask.

Peyton:  Hi Peyton.  I really miss you too.  Less than 3 weeks now and I will be home. You have fun too but save some fun for me.  See you soon.

Kyle:  Hi Kyle.  Computers still not in huh?  LOL!  Miss you too.

Adrian: LOL.  Gagging is definitely not fun.  I have made some new friends here.  I just met a girl from England and her name is Emily.  You would really like her.  Hard to say which I like better between France and Florida because they are both great.  Thanks for writing.

Mrs. Santello :O) Yes the zucchini are big but I really don't like them.  I love it when my Dad makes lamb chops here as the lamb in France is awesome!  Thanks as always for writing Mrs S.  I love your comments!

Katie:  What do you mean a new bunny?  Maybe we can both get one when I get back.  I can't wait to go trick or treating and no I don't have a costume yet either but I will probably find something in my closet.  Miss you too Kat.

Tori:  Hi Tori.  I am happy my desk is still there and right next to yours.  I can't wait to come back too!
Hopefully Mrs. Brink lets us sit next to each other when I am home.  See you soon.

Michael:  What do you mean you can't get the pics?  No fair.  By the way, what is Pixie?

Thanks again for all of your comments and don;'t forget to write your name!!


Katie said...

Hi.Maddy. I am going to be a witch for Halloween. I have been counting the days until you get back. I have a calender with the date circled and I am crossing off each day. Keep trying to call. One of these days we will hopfully talk. I love the story about the laws. That man really did look like his dog. Who do you think I look like Moose or Mocha.

Love ya Katie

Mrs. Brink :) said...

Hi Maddy! I loved learning about the laws. Boy, they treat their pets like royalty! I bet you can relate to the boy in our story: Inside Out. Francisco came from Mexico and spoke only Spanish when he moved to the United States. His teacher only let him speak English. Kind of like how you are in French school. I don't know if you realize this now but you are very lucky to be learning in France! Being bi-lingual is really good so you can communicate with people from France while you are there. Back to your blog....I think the dog looked so much like his owner too!!! I don't think your dogs look like your dad though! HA! Enjoy your last few weeks and hopefully we will learn a lot from you when you return! WE MISS YOU!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi its me Olivia!
I miss you sooooooooooooooo much! And the computer is saying I spelt soooooooooooo wrong. hmmmm, I do not think the computer speaks KID! lol
Do you get really tired from picking grapes all the time?
I hope you will be back soon. And I cannot wait to to read your next post though!


p.s hopefully I wont accidently post my comment twice again!

Peyton weber said...

well I am glad that I do not hove to look like aspen my dog because I already do and why do you have banks and you cant get money the post office does I really want to bring my dog to school do you do ?

maggie said...

Hi maddy,
This maggie. I can't believe that the bulldog looks just like it's owner! that is sooooo funny! It sounds devistating what happened to princess Grace. I can't wait untill you get back. see you soon.

christophermiller06 said...

Hi Maddy. those law completely fail (in a funny way) I like the law about the coastline buy really,banks cant have money its like saying a penguin is flying and speaking spanish!! and the law on your dog must look like its owner, you got to be kidding about that law and where did you get that picture of the fat guy with his pit bull that actully dose look like his owner.
Well thats all I want to say for right now and i might be putting up a blog for the class so you know what is happening.

Michelle said...

Hi Maddy! Weird laws in France. I like the dog that looks like his owner. It's so funny! My dad told me that a lot of dogs usually act like their owner. Seems like that one does. Is that guy even real or did you just find that picture? If I saw that guy with his dog it would be hard not to laugh at him. I can't believe that dogs are allowed anywhere. They must be allowed to go on top of your desk at school! That would be crazy. Anyway I hope you get back soon!

Nora said...

Hey Maddy, I almost laughed so hard while I was reading the laws that my face turned like I was allergic to some sort of thing. Wow, I really liked that pic of the dog and the guy that looked the same, I wonder if poodles and girls do. Your right if Mcdonalds and Burger King had to have a burger everyday that would be weirder than weird.... At least the french have yummy bread!! O o

Tori said...

hi Maddy it's Tori. Know you are sitting next to Olivia, me, Maggy and Kyle:) I can't wait until you come back by the way are class has a party Thursday October 13. Wished you could be here. By the way that man does look like his dog

Sarah said...

Hey it's Sarah again I can't believe those laws there are so freaky I agree with you Maddy I do think it is law that you have to look like your dog that picture looked like his twin brother only in dog form. were are they going ice cream store. Bye for now.

vince said...

Hi its vince I like the picture of the path of the coast it looks like your having a good time except for trying to under stand everyone and school lunch the picture of the dog is funny. write back.

xavier said...

I guess you must like the way people look like their dogs. You should go on strike! Just kidding. Have your teachers grown mustaches yet? I wonder if you want to look like your dog. Have they changed the food yet? That is very weird that people have to get money from post offices instead of a bank. Then why does France have a bank. I'll leave a comment later. By.

cara said...

Dear Maddy,
How's school going?The class and I can't wait until you come back.We Just filled the marble jar and we're getting a party on Thursday.I decided to bring in a cookie cake.I wish you were going to be here for the party. Well at least you'll be here for 1 or 2 parties.

your classmate,

Adrian said...

You made me crack up when you posted that dog owners look like their dogs. So do you look like your dogs? Well any ways you should go on strike. So have you got used to the france food yet? Did you really climb the Eiffel Tower? Well by I have to go eat the american lunch now.

Anonymous said...

Well my parents probably wouldn't agree with that but if they did that would be very fun. I mean I would like to go to France. I read some of the laws on your blog, it would be so fun to bring my dog to school or even a cool store in France thats awesome.

your friend sydney

kyle said...

Well my favorite law was all dog owners look like there dogs but sense that wasn't really a law my favorite was bulga and some times when you get home from school do you gag. Let me tell you gaging is not fun to any one. Saturday i went to SEA WORLD did you know they olny swim with the bulga whale and dolphins now. I wanted to see them swim with the killer whales but sense they didn't i had to go on kraken the fastest roller coster in orlando.P.S. Never ride it. Well time wen't by fast so once again i have to leave.

Michael said...

PIcs mean pictures and pixie is a app for your computer and you can draw or stamp and even take pictures!!!! It is hard to draw though. Are you going to be back for Halloween? I'm going to be a sumo wrestler. See ya soon!!!!!


kylee said...

Hey Maddy,
I think law #7 is funny,
I guess it really is a law there! And anyway why do you have banks there if they don't even carry money? And that is so cool that dogs can go anywhere! Ihave a question, Is it true that there are no money in the banks?

thanks for your time,